OK Ustad Institute is a research-driven academic institution producing internationally recognised research, education, and outreach founded on a scholarly and plural understanding of Islam and Muslim cultures. Our aim is to present an authentic perspective by employing and contributing to the development of new methods and theories in the study of Islam and Muslim cultures. To realise our goals, we adopt an interdisciplinary, comparative, collaborative, and analytical approach within a framework of the study of cultures and civilizations. Our ambition is to further promote global scholarship, create scholarly learning networks within and outside the Indian sub-continent, foster academic spaces for scholars, encourage open discussions, and increase academic and public engagement.
We provide the knowledge and tools that enable scholars in different disciplines of Islamic studies to reconstruct thought in their area of specialization. In addition to offering support, our senior scholars and researchers apply the innovative and authentic methodology to critical challenges and find answers to thought-provoking questions in order to enhance the experience, enrich our campus community, and spark research and innovation.
OK Ustad Institute was founded seeking to occupy vacant space in the discourse on Islamic studies from a comprehensive traditional perspective. We also consider key issues such as tradition and modernity, religion and the state, pluralism and unity, and the nature of community in an era of global connection and change. To promote regional and local narratives in academic research, we are also committed to disseminating a global experience of research in the rich heritage and vigorous legacy of the Malabar region.
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