Jamia Nusrath truly understands the necessity of transforming the current academic and research landscape for an inclusive, in-depth, and sustainable future. As an agent of educational and cultural renaissance, Nusrath chalks out a futuristic mission.
Read MoreJanuary 27th and 28th 2023
In the glorious and exciting world of languages and literatures, Arabic literature has secured a concrete footing due to the marvellous nature of the works produced in its field. " Adab" is the Arabic term that denotes literatur
Read MoreWe are a world-class research institute envisioned to deliver authentic research on Islamic studies, its allied disciplines, regional studies, art, and literature.
Production of knowledge and its dissemination is one of the most important factors in the development of civilization, social progress, technology development, etc. Knowledge is one of the most important production factors in modern knowledge-based economies. In modern knowledge-based economies, research, information, and technologies are the dynamic factors shaping the future.
Research is what propels humanity forward. It truly fuels the genesis and development of the civilization and its progress. To accelerate the knowledge production based on human cause and traditional legacy, Jamia Nusrath undertakes Tazwid Future Nusrtah Drive which will encompass all aspects of academic, research, and infrastructure development.
“The one who is generous in charity will be called from the Gate of Charity.”
On the Day when all of your actions speak, let charity be the loudest. Nusrath offers you a great opportunity to make your actions and contribution eternal and most rewarded. Help this cause of knowledge and grab the opportunity to be part of this noble venture.