The powerful team makes it real

The OK Ustad Institute Research Network (ORN) is a prestigious global gathering of researchers, scholars, and practitioners working to mainstream and expand its studies in their respective domains. The ORN is a combination of experts from research, academics, innovative studies, integrated learning, and project management. At ORN, we believe that global connection and collaboration are crucial for those working to effect change through thought and action. Through the ORN, OK Ustad Institute aims to provide a conducive environment and resources for members thereby allowing them to leverage learning and collaboration opportunities.

Our Team

He is a veteran scholar and spiritual leader who has been leading Jamia Nusrath, one of the best Islamic seminaries in South India for integrated learning, for the last two decades with an outstanding view of moulding research scholars having well-versed in Islamic studies. Coupled with his managerial calibre and leadership excellence, he has been successful in realising the vision and mission on which Jamia Nusrath was founded and built up.

Sheikh Ali El-Baqawi

Dr. Husain Randathani, born on 01.02.1958, is a veteran historian and academician who has been striving to maintain authentic historic narratives regarding Indian culture and harmony. One of the most reliable authorities in Mappila life and culture, he has authored tens of books and hundreds of research papers on complicated historical questions. He obtained Ph.D. in History from the University of Calicut on The Social and Cultural Life of Mappila Muslim of Malabar (1800-1921) in 1998. Currently, he works as the chairman of Mahakavi Moyin Kutty Vaidyar Smaraka, the director of OK Ustad Institute, and the principal of CPA College of global studies.

Dr. Husain Randathani

An outstanding integrated scholar having accomplished excellence in both Islamic and academic studies, Dr. Mohammed Fysel Ahsani is the dean at OK Ustad Institute. He completed his Ph.D. in Arabic Literature from English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad on the topic; the Poetry of Tirurangadi Bappu Musliyar : An Analytical And Critical Study. He has published many authentic books, research papers, and articles in both Arabic and Malayalam on various topics. He also works as the Assistant Professor at the School of Distance Education, University of Calicut.

Dr. Mohammed Fysel Ahsani

EV Abdul Rahman has the privilege of accomplishing numerous innovative projects across various industries. He is a successful project manager who has great expertise in setting up detailed work plans, managing teams, hitting milestones, and conveying the outcome to various stakeholders. He works in a variety of fields, including education, engineering, construction, logistics, healthcare, marketing, and media. As an enthusiastic business strategist and consultant, he is the founder CEO of Markaz Knowledge City, Managing Director, Brizon Edu Developments LLP, and also leads Tazwid drive as the head of the project.

Mr. EV Abdul Rahman